Canadian Breweriana CollectingCanadian breweriana includes any items produced to contain, advertise or produce brewery products. There are many people in every area of Canada who collect these items, and in doing so help to preserve a vital part of our Canadian heritage. These items can range from the latest bottles produced by the many new Canadian microbreweries, to early, pre-1900 advertising lithographs, and everything in between - serving trays, calendars, labels, signs, bottles, crowns and cans. Individuals interested in becoming breweriana club members may choose to join The Great White North Brewerianists chapter, which is both a Manitoba based club and part of Canada's national collecting club, The Collectors of Canadian Brewery Advertising (CCBA). Both clubs publish newsletters with articles of interest to breweriana collectors. The Collectors of Canadian Brewery Advertising (formally known as The Canadian Brewerianist Society) were formed in early 1979 as a means of bringing together different collectors from across Canada. Their goal is to encourage the preservation of brewery artifacts and memorabilia, as well as educating the public with regards to Canada's rich brewing heritage. This national club has a membership of over 200 members and publishes five newsletters per year. As the country's national club, they hold annual conventions, in a different Canadian city, each August. The Great White North has hosted this show In Winnipeg five times. For more information about Canada's national collectors club, please visit: http://www.brewerianacollectors.ca. For more information on The Great White North Brewerianists, see: Who are The Great White North Brewerianists?. To join Great White North Brewerianists, see Great White North Breweriana Membership Registration. |
The Great White North Brewerianists is a not-for-profit organization. |